Revolt in Paris (Storming of the Bastille)

  • Created by: lou9119
  • Created on: 17-05-17 17:22
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  • Revolt in Paris (Storming of the Bastille) 14th July 1789
    • Last week of June Louis moves troops into Paris and Versailles area, plan to dissolve the NA.
    • 11TH JULY
      • 20.000 troops in the area, Louis felt strong to dismiss popular Necker. Louis did not want to implement his reforms.
    • 12TH JULY
      • Dismissal of Necker reaches Paris, increase in tension.With high food prices, Necker was seen as the one capable of dealing with an economic crisis.
      • Armed revolt caused by Camille Desmoulins sating that a massacre of those who supported reform. Violent clashes with royal troops and customs posts were attacked. When Gardes-francaises were ordered to withdraw from Paris many joined the people. Paris electors set up a citizen's militia to maintain order.
        • Customs posts: part of the internal barriers to trade around Paris, where taxes on goods coming into the city had to be paid.
        • Gardes-francaises: french royal infantry regiment.
        • Citizen's militia: Defence force composed of bourgeoisie Parisians, to protect property. Later became National Guard.
    • 13TH JULY
      • Barricades set up to stop royal troops entering Paris. In Versailles the NA called for the removal of all troops.
    • 14TH JULY
      • STORMING OF THE BASTILLE: Parisians seize arsenal Les Invalides then go to Bastille for gunpowder. It was royal fortress and prison, symbol of the Ancien Regime. Royal troops withdrawn south of the River Seine. Bastille governor De Launary refused to cooperate and ordered his men to fire. 93 were killed. The people, supported by the G-F, used canons to storm the Bastille. De Launay was decapitated.
        • Gardes-francaises: french royal infantry regiment.
        • Stormers known as the Sans-Culottes. 250.000 Parisians had joined in this first journee of the Revolution. Louis had lost control of the city.
          • Sans-Culottes: Name coined in 1791 for small property owners, shopkeepers, workers, master and employees, who supported the revolution.
            • Louis visits the NA to announce the withdraw of his troops. In Paris electors formed a new revolutionary council known as the Paris Commune. The militia becomes the National Guard, commanded by Lafayette. They wanted to keep the SC under control.
        • Journee: A day of popular action and disturbance linked to political change such as storming of the Bastille.
    • 15TH JULY
      • Louis visits the NA to announce the withdraw of his troops. In Paris electors formed a new revolutionary council known as the Paris Commune. The militia becomes the National Guard, commanded by Lafayette. They wanted to keep the SC under control.
    • 17TH JULY
      • Louis would now share power with the NA. Recalled Necker and visited Paris; recognizing the legality of the Commune and NG. Louis's youngest brother (The Comre d'Artois) went into exile as well as other nobles believing the royal cause was lost.


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