Representations of Disability

  • Created by: HBN_18
  • Created on: 06-05-19 17:23
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  • Representations on Disability
    • A physical impairment which has long-term effect on a persons ability to carry out day-to-day activities
    • Shakespeare (1998)
      • Disability is a social contraction
        • A problem created by society and not by the state of our bodies
          • Society turns an impairment into a disability and society discriminates
      • Shakespeare (1999)
        • Disabilities are used as character traits and plot devices and are not accurate
          • This reinforces negative stereotype
      • Disability Discrimination Act  (DDA) 2011
        • 1 in 20 Children
        • 25% of over 16s
        • 8  Million working age
      • Cumberbatch et al (2014)
        • Content analysis  2013-14
          • People  portrayed as disabled made just 2.5 % onTV programmes
      • Ofcam (2005)
        • 4 in 10 of disabled people on TV were there to highlight issues of discrimination
    • Marxists
      • Briant et al of GMG
        • Study comparing media in five newspapers (2004-5, 2010-11)
          • More articles are linking disabilities to benefit fraud
            • 'Undeserving'
            • 'Cheat'
      • Philo et al (2020)
        • GMG
          • Study of TV dramas
            • 63% of references to mental health were negative
              • BUT
                • GMG and Time to Change and found that the first three months of 2014 the view was becoming more positive
    • Barnes (1992)
      • Vast majority of information about disabled people in books, films and in the press is negative


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