Monitoring the human body

  • Created by: nat kay
  • Created on: 29-04-16 10:38
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  • Releasing Energy
    • Burning: fossil fuel + oxygen = carbon dioxide + water +heat and light
    • Aerobic Respiration: glucose + oxygen = carbon dioxide + water + energy (ATP)
      • Biochemical changes that occur in aerobic respiration take place in the mitochondria.
    • Anaerobic Respiration: glucose = lactic acid + energy (ATP)
      • Biochemical changes in anaerobic respiration takes place in the cytoplasm of the cell. The enzymes that promote these changes are found here.
    • Glucose for respiration is sourced from the food we eat and oxygen is from the air which is breathed in.
      • The circulatory system delivers the oxygen and glucose to the cells and takes carbon dioxide away from the cell to be released from the lungs.
    • Growth, sensitivity, nutrition, movement excretion and reproduction all involve chemical changes that require energy. Respiration provides the energy in the from of ATP.
      • Processes which require energy: muscle contraction, swimming of sperm, nerve impulse transmission and active transport.
    • ATP is important as it breaks down to form ADP and then AMP, the phosphate groups may be transferred to other molecule making them reactive and making chemical change more likely.


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