regional differences civil rights

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  • Regional differences following WWII
    • Politics
      • before less than 2% of the black population in southern states could vote
        • By 1945 approx. 15% could
      • an increase of lynchings
      • by 1945 16 northern states had black politicians
        • example of black voting power: William L Dawson to congress
    • Economics
      • in southern states black people were still predominantly employed in agriculture
        • Approx 500,000 migrated to the north for better conditions
      • due to war time boom unemployed black people fell from 937,000 to 151,000 in 1945
      • even in the north black industrial workers were unlikely to be paid the same as their white collueges
        • white people often objected when black people got promotions
    • social conditions
      • segregation remained in southern states
      • 40% of housing available to black people was found to be substandard whereas only 12% for white people
      • significantly different in the northern states
        • races were more likely to mix
          • African Americans were poorer so still had to live in more undesirable parts of the cities


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