Religion and Society - Rights and Responsibilities

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  • RE - Rights Responsibility
    • Christian Morals and Ethics
      • A persons idea of moral truth is what they believe  to be right and wrong
      • Christians look for moral guidance from The bible, the church, their ow conscience and situation ethics
        • The Bible
          • The bible offers directions for living a moral life
          • Different groups of people interpret the bible in different ways
            • Fundamentalism
              • They believe the bible is the direct word from god, so it is wrong to question anything it says
              • Many base their judgements wholly on the teaching of the bible.
            • Conservative View
              • Believe that the bible was inspired by god but not dictated.
              • They believe readers must use their intelligence, their conscience and the guidance of the holy spirit to help them interpret the bibles moral teachings.
          • Positives about the bible
            • They are easily available for christians and it is clearly set out in writing.
          • Negative about the bible
            • The bible was written hundreds of years ago meaning the actions will be different to this day and age
              • The bible is a large book and is not easy to understand, also a christian may not find an example of the same moral problem
          • The ten commandments state the ways to show respect to god, and other people
            • You shall have no gods before me
            • You shall not bow down before idols
            • You shall not say the lords name in vain
            • Observe the Sabbath and keep it holy
            • You shall not murder
            • You shall not lie
            • You shall not commit adultery
            • You shall not covet
            • You shall not steal
        • Conscience
          • An inner feeling of what is right and what is wrong
          • Some christians believe that it is the voice of God and therefore always listen to it and trust what it is saying
          • Others say that your conscience is a result of your upbringing e.g. your parents opinions and therefore can be influenced by that.
          • The advantage about using your conscience
            • Everybody has a conscience and there is a general agreement about what is right and wrong
          • The aim of ur charge is love that issues from a pure heart, a good conscience and a sincere faith
          • Holding faith and a good conscience. By rejecting this, some have made a shipwreck of their faith
          • If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us, our sins and to cleanse us from our righteousness
        • The Church
          • Christians regard the Church as the body of christ alive in the world today, meaning the Church has the same authority as Jesus
          • The answers given from the Church is the same answer as Christ
          • A Priest will have spent several years training and studied the bible. Meaning they can help members of their community if they ask for advice on a moral problem
        • Situation Ethics
          • Situation ethics is a principle that when making a decision we should choose to do the most loving thing. It follows the golden rule
            • What are the disadvantages of using this principle
              • Someones opinion may be different to your own
                • Using this principle usually aims to cause less harm possible
                  • Hatred stirs up strife,  but love covers all offences. Proverbs 10:12
    • Human Rights
      • In 1948 the United nations published the Universal declaration of human Rights
        • It states that all humans are born free and equal in dignity and rights
          • The rights of the wider community are put before the rights of one individual
          • Most rights in the Human rights act are limited, meaning someones rights can be restricted to prevent crime or protect the rights of others
        • At first they were not enforceable but just gave an example of what things ought to be like
          • In 1953 the rights became part of the European convention on human Rights and became enforceable by the European court of Human rights
            • In 1998 these rights became part of the Uk domestic law under the Human rights act.
              • This act protects the Human rights of UK citizens under UK law
    • Democracy
      • The UK is a democratic society, the people select representatives to run the country
      • In a democratic society, people can speak out or take part in protests if they want something changed
        • Democratic process is any way in which citizens can take part in the running of a country
          • Democratic Processes invclude
            • Voting
            • Protesting
            • Joining a political party
            • Pressure group
            • Strike
            • Petitions
            • Democracy can bring out a real social change, in the structure, the behaviour and attitudes of society
            • Allow you to influence decisions that effect your life
            • By getting involved you get a say in how the country is run
              • In the UK everyone over the age of 18 has the right to vote (unless you are in prison)
              • Why vote?
                • Suffragettes campaigned and fought to win women the right to vote
                  • In those days there was no King in Israel. Everyone did what was right in his own eyes
                • Men fought and died for a free country
                • If you don't vote you have to right to complain
                • you wont get a say in how the country is run
          • Religious people will always choose the most loving thing to do
          • Important t religious people as they have a say in how the country should be treated and their views are influenced by Gods teachings, therefore they will influence the vote to be more inline  with God
    • Christians Teaching on responsibility
      • The Golden Rule
        • So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets - Matthew 7:12
          • which means Christians should always think about others, not just themselves
            • Love your neighbour as yourself
              • Christians have the a responsibility to out this love into practise
                • This can be shown by offering support, shelter, food or clothing to someone in need.
              • At the end of a service most christians are reminded to "go out to love and serve the Lord"
            • For God so loved the world
              • Anyone who has two shirts should share with the one who has none and anyone who has food should do the same
      • The parable of a good samaritan demonstrates how christians should act
        • It is a story who is stripped of clothing, beaten and let half dead alongside a road. A priest and a Levite pass him and do nothing. Finally a Samaritan, who was meant to be an enemy to the man helped him
        • The message of the good samaritan is to have compassion for your enemies and that it is possible for enemies to be good neighbours
          • Jesus says that helping any other person is just as good as helping him
        • The story of Cain and Abel in Genesis 4:1-10 is the story of a brother, cain who commits three sins, when god asks him where his brother is he replies "am i my brothers keeper?"
          • John saying that its not enough to go around talking about love and charity and claiming to be Christian. A true Christians acts to help people who need it.
    • Genetic Engineering
      • Manipulating genes e.g moving genes from one organism to another to make an organism with more useful feature
        • These technologies have the potential to solve many problems
          • For example, genetically modifying crop plants to increase nutrition value and yield could mean we can produce enough food for everyone
          • Animals can be engineered to produce medicines in their milk to treat diseases
      • Cloning = producing offspring that are genetically identical to the parent
        • It allows an organism with the right characteristics to be produced many times
        • However there are practical issues with biotechnology
          • Reduction in biodiversity if crops are genetically engineered
            • Also the crops may not be safe to eat
          • Some people believe we don't have enough knowledge on genes to tamper with them and doing so could have unforeseen problems
          • Cloning produces problems like reducing the gene pool in a population meaning they are more susceptible to disease
            • Also cloning animals is hard and problems cause the animals produced to have health problems and die young
          • There are also Moral issues with Biotechnologies
            • Some believe it is wrong to change the characteristics of an organism just for human benefit
            • Some people worry that the genetic engineering will stretch to changing the characteristics of children
            • Some methods of genetic engineering involves destroying old embryos for stem cells, this goes against the sanctity of life
  • It is easy to consult
  • Peoples conscience may lead them astray
    • What are the negatives about using your conscince
      • Some situations are too complicated for people to be sure if their conscience is correct
      • Getting outside help can open your eyes to a solution
  • The Church
    • Christians regard the Church as the body of christ alive in the world today, meaning the Church has the same authority as Jesus
    • The answers given from the Church is the same answer as Christ
    • A Priest will have spent several years training and studied the bible. Meaning they can help members of their community if they ask for advice on a moral problem
  • There are two types of churches, one with a capital "C" means the community and one with a lower case 'c' means the building
  • What are the advantages of going to the Church for advice
    • The Church has many centuries of experience and tradition, meaning their guidance will be inline with Christ's teachings
    • Some Christians prefer to seek help form a professional clergy
  • What are the disadvantages of seeking help from the Church
    • Some Christians do not have clear access to a clergy
    • There is no flexibilty
    • Some Christians may disagree with the Churches rulings
  • What are the advantages of using this principle
    • It follows Jesus' teachings
      • It is a simple rule to apply and it takes into account all aspects of the situation.
        • The end justifies the means
        • We love because he first loved us
    • Situation ethics is a principle that when making a decision we should choose to do the most loving thing. It follows the golden rule
      • What are the disadvantages of using this principle
        • Someones opinion may be different to your own
          • Using this principle usually aims to cause less harm possible
            • Hatred stirs up strife,  but love covers all offences. Proverbs 10:12
  • In 1948 the United nations published the Universal declaration of human Rights
    • It states that all humans are born free and equal in dignity and rights
      • The rights of the wider community are put before the rights of one individual
      • Most rights in the Human rights act are limited, meaning someones rights can be restricted to prevent crime or protect the rights of others
    • At first they were not enforceable but just gave an example of what things ought to be like
      • In 1953 the rights became part of the European convention on human Rights and became enforceable by the European court of Human rights
        • In 1998 these rights became part of the Uk domestic law under the Human rights act.
          • This act protects the Human rights of UK citizens under UK law
  • The government and charities protect peoples rights
    • The government provides all UK citizens with free health care and free education up to the age of 18 and support to help find a home or job
      • Some charities like Amnesty international and Liberty challenge the decisions to limit peoples right
        • They say any limitations on freedom of speech are dangerous and they can restrict debate on important issues
    • Charities like Bernardo's and Shelter are also there to help people stay alive and healthy if they fall through the gaps of the system
    • The government will limit rights like freedom of expression and freedom from imprisonment for the good of the community
  • There are two electoral processes
    • In the UK everyone over the age of 18 has the right to vote (unless you are in prison)
    • First-past-the-post
      • The country is divided into voting areas called constituencies (for general elections) and wards (for local elections). The candidate with the most votes in each constituency or ward, will represent that area
    • Proportional representation
      • This is only used in European elections, and int elections to northern Irish, Welsh and Scottish assemblies
      • each person votes for a political party, the number of representatives elected from that party is proportional to the total number of votes they got
  • Christian views on genetic engineering
    • Believe that a clone who lives to adult hood wont have a soul
    • Its playing God
    • God created human life and we should not interfere
    • We should try and make people perfect because only God is perfect
    • God has already decided on every humans genetic makeup so we have no right to change it
    • Some christans agree with it and say if god have given us these scientific ability we should use it
    • Other accept it because it can heal people, which is what jesus did and taught
    • So God created man in his own image, in the image of god he created him, male and female he created them
    • He is God, it is he who made us and we are his, we are his people, and the sheep to his pasture


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