Race Relations in the USA (1955-1968)

  • Created by: Ella
  • Created on: 24-03-13 10:53
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  • Race Relations in the USA (1955-1968)
    • Civil Rights Movement (1961-1968)
      • Freedom Rides
        • 4th-24th May 1961
        • 13 Riders (7 Black, 6 White)
        • Interstate Buses Desegregated
      • Freedom Marches
        • Due to  High numbers of the Unemployed
        • Washington March 1963
          • Martin Luther King 'I have a Dream' 11:30, 18th August 1963
          • 200,000 People
          • In front of Lincoln Memorial
          • Both Black and White people from all states
      • Mexico Olympics (1968)
        • Tommie Smith, John Carlos, Peter Norman
        • Untitled
        • No Political opinions at Olympics therefore Banned
      • Black Power Movement
        • SNCC
          • Student Non-violent Co-ordinating Commitee (pre 1969)
          • Student National Co-ordinating Commitee
          • Stokely Carmichael
        • BPP
          • Black Panther Party
          • Encouraged Pride in Culture
        • Malcom X
    • Racism in the 1950s
      • Ku Klux Klan
        • Now defined as a Terrorist Group
        • Most Members were from the Southern States
      • Jim Crow Laws (Southern States only)
        • Affected Schools, Marriages, Restaurants and public facilities
      • Living Standards for African Americans
        • High rate of Unemployed
        • 1916-1960: 6 million people moved North
      • NAACP Test Cases
        • Montgomery Bus Boycott
          • Rosa Parks
            • 1st December 1955: refused to move
            • 5th December 1955: convicted and fined
          • January 1956-January 1957
          • 17,000 Black Americans took part
          • December 1956: Bus segregation made illegal
        • Brown vs Topeka
          • 17th May 1954
          • Linda Brown had to walk 1 mile to school
          • Segregation in Public Schools therefore Prohibited
        • Little Rock High School
          • September 1957
          • Little Rock 9
          • Orval Faubus (Governor of Arkansas)
          • School reopened as a Desegregated School in 1960
    • Martin Luther King
      • Pacifist
      • Key Role in NAACP
      • Montgomery Bus Boycott
      • Sent to Jail 13th April 1963
      • I have a Dream
      • Rode first desegregated Montgomery Bus
      • Freedom Rides
      • Planned the Children's Crusade
      • 10th December 1964: Nobel Peace Prize
      • Charismatic
      • Assassinated 1968


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