Public Health

  • Created by: Katie
  • Created on: 30-11-13 12:26
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  • Public Health
    • Prehistoric
      • Prehistoric people were nomadic.
      • Therefore, they didn't need to have any public health.
    • Egyptians
      • They used basic baths and toilets.
      • They took care of their personal hygiene and cleanliness.
      • They also wore eye make-up.
      • This was most probably motivated by the desire to keep up appearances for social reasons.
      • They used mosquito nets to stop the mosquitos biting them.
    • Greek
      • They didn't have a huge public health system.
      • The rich Greeks followed a programme for health.
        • This included keeping themselves at an even temperature, eating properly, washing themselves, cleaning their teeth, going for walks and keeping fit.
    • Romans
      • The first ever system of public health was developed.
      • The reason for this new system was down to different reasons. First, they were suspicious of Greek doctors. Secondly, they realised that their army needed to stay healthy and strong and finally, they had good engineering capabilities.
      • Look at the flow diagram for the full details of all the public health system.
    • Medieval
      • They didn't have any sewage systems or water pipes that had been developed in the Roman times.
      • The towns were filthy.
      • All rubbish and human waste was thrown out on to the streets.
      • They had 'gongfermers' to clean out the cesspits by the privys.
      • During the time of the plague, quarantine laws were passed and houses of infectious people were boarded up.
    • Renaissance
      • Renaissance public health was very similar to medieval public health as the towns were very dirty and their was no public health system..
      • There also weren't ant sewers or water pipes unlike, the Roman times.
      • The writer Eramus described the houses as being "...spittle and vomit and urine of dogs and men, beer that has been thrown out, remnants of fishes and filth unnameable."
      • Plague in 1665
        • Burials would take place at night, no mourners were to attend.
        • Stray pigs, dogs and cats were all killed.
        • 'Examiners' and 'Searchers' would have to search houses and work out who had the plague. They would then lock people in the house for a month to see whether they would be cured.
    • 19th Century
      • Early in the 19th Century tows were overcrowded, they had poor housing conditions, bad water and a lot of disease.
      • 1842 - Edwin Chadwick argued that disease was the main reason for poverty. Therefore, preventing diseasewould reduce the poor rates.
      • 1848 - cholera epidemic. This caused the government to do something about public health.
      • 1848 -  the first Public Health Act caused the setting up of a Board of Health, and gave towns the right to appoint a Medical Officer of Health.
      • 1853 - the vaccination against smallpox was made compulsory.
      • 1854 -  improvements in hospital hygiene were introduced (mostly due to Florence Nightingale).
      • 1875 -  the second Public Health Act enforced laws about slum clearance, provision of sewers and clean water, and the removal of nuisances.
      • 1889 - Charles Booth wrote "Life and Labour of the people in London" and found that 35% of them lived in poverty.
      • 1899 - 1902 - the government needed soldiers to fight in the Boer War in South Africa. They could not find enough healthy recruits as too many men were unhealthy from poverty and poor food.
    • 20th Centry
      • 1906 -  local councils were told to provide free school meals for poor children.
      • In 1907 school medical examinations were ordered for all children
      • In 1908 Old-age pensions were introduced.
      • In 1911 National Insurance (free medical treatment for workers who fell ill) was introduced.
      • 1901 - Seebohm Rowntree wrote a report on the living conditions of the poor in York.
      • 1919 - Housing Act - gave local authorities money to build "homes fit for heroes" after returning from the first world war.
      • 1930 - Housing Act - slums were cleared and councils were forced to provide "council housing for families" whose homes were pulled down.
      • 1929 - The Wall Street Crash causing a global economic crisis.
      • William Beveridge wrote a report in 1942 saying how after the war there would be a Welfare System to end poverty and a National Health Service.
      • The NHS started in 1948 and offered free medical care to everyone.
  • In 1908 Old-age pensions were introduced.


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