
  • Created by: sophiemai
  • Created on: 15-04-19 10:25
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  • Psycho - pathology
    • defintions of abnormality
      • 1- statitistical infrequency - e.g. lower than normal IQ 2- deviation from social norms e.g not shaving 3- failure to funtion adequately e.g basic hygine 4- deviation from ideal mental health e.g not being happy
      • eval; 1- real life application 2- labelling not hepful 3- culturally realtive 4- unrealistic standards
    • Phobias
      • ~behavioural - panic + avoidance  ~emotional - anxiety & fear + unreasonalble responce ~cognative - irrational beliefs + reduced attention on other tasks
      • behavioural approach to explaining
        • 2 process model - fears learnt through cc and maintained by oc demonstrated by little alberts fear of anythig white
        • eval; 1- not all bad experinces = fear 2- ignores cognative element 3- incomplete explaination 4- real life application to therapy
      • behavioural approach to treating phobias
        • systematic desensitivisation - aiming to sub out th efear in cc for relaxation  creating a fear heirarchy and working through in order
          • eval; 1- effective 2- suitable
        • flooding is continous exposition to the stimulus untill the fear reponsce is exhausted  - can be traumatic need to have full consent of client
          • eval; 1- traumatic 2- not always effective
    • OCD
      • ~ behavioural - complusions + avoidance ~emotional - anxiety +guilt ~cognative - obsessive thoughts + hyper vigilance
      • biological explaination of OCD
        • genetic - looking for candidate genes - seretonine & dopamine neuro transmitters that regulate mood - polygentic & effects differnt people differntly
          • eval; 1- supporting evidence 2- polygentic makes it difficult
        • neural - lower levels of seretonin = lower mood abnormal processing in frontal lobes responsible for logical descion making
          • eval; 1- suporting evidence 2- cause & effect
      • biological treatment of OCD
        • drug therapy - SSRIs= selective seretonine reuptake inhinbitors aim to increase levels of seritonin typically fluoxetine 20mg  more effective if used along side CBT
          • eval; 1- effective 2- cost effective &non disruptive 3- side effects 4- unreliable
        • SNRIs are for people that dont respond to SSRIs and are serotonine noraadreneline reuptake inhibitors
    • Depression
      • ~behavioural- lower activity levels +disrupted eating &sleep ~emotional - poor consentration + aboslutist thinking ~cognitive  - lowered mood + anger
      • cognitive approach to explaining depression
        • beck thought depressed people had faulty information processing, due to a negitive self schema + negitive triad = 1- negitive views of world 2- negitive views of future 3- negitive view of self
          • eval; 1- supporting evidence 2- real life application
        • ellis howeer came up with the ABC model of an activating event (negitive thing ) Belief (triggers irrational beliefs) consequently (depression)
          • eval; 1- partial explanation 2- real life application
      • cognitive approach to treating depression
        • beck - CBT working togeter with the therapist to identify and challenge irrational beliefs with the patient taking an active role in the therapy- often having homework to find evidence proving and disproving irrational thoughts
          • eval; 1- CBT is effective 2- really bloody hard thou
        • ellis REBT - rational emotion behaviour therapy ABC + DE = dispute effcets  challanging irrrational thoughts with data and logic - gradually increasing activity and mood
          • eval; 1- change may be due to therapist patient relationship 2- may minimise bad circumstances


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