Psychology as a Science (Grant) 

  • Created by: Em-ily
  • Created on: 01-02-17 20:01
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  • Psychology as a Science  (Grant)
    • Deduction
      • Hypothesis came from theory of context dependant memory and tested empirically
    • Cause and effect
      • IV causes DV
        • IV= Noise and silence- learn and test
        • DV= Score on questions MCQ and SAQ
      • IV and DV operationalized
    • Falsification, Quantifiable measures
      • Quantitative data- Hypothesis
        • Inferential stats test
    • Replicability and Standardisation
      • Same; Noises- article headphones questions
      • Standardised easy to repeat procedure Replibiliy
    • Objectivity
      • Unbiased lack of experimental bias                removed results on 1 participant
        • Not much contact between participant and experimentor
    • Predictability
      • Predict future behaviours
      • Context dependently effects
    • Control of variables (extraneous)
      • Noise- silence- headphones
      • Lab experiment- controlled environment


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