Principle 3

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  • Principle 3 - Obtain Valid Consent
    • Patients expect....
      • to be asked for their consent to treatment before it starts
    • Standards...
      • TWO - Must ensure all patients (or their representatives) understand the decision
        • Must check and document patients have understood the info
        • Must give sufficient info and TIME to process in order to make an informed decision
        • Must tailor the information for each individual so they can understand
        • Must not assume patient can give consent. Refer to appropriate legislation.
        • If patient has communication difficulties, you should encourage them to bring someone to help them to ask questions
      • THREE - Must ensure the consent remains valid throughout
        • You must ensure you have specific consent for each procedure in each appointment
        • At each stage, must tailor way you obtain consent to each patient's  needs
        • You must document the discussions you have when confirming their ongoing consent.
        • if you need to change treatment/cost, must obtain patients consent to changes
        • Consent is an on-going process. You should keep patients informed about the progress of their care
  • Must not assume someone else has obtained the patient's consent (e.g. referral).
    • ONE - You must obtain valid consent before starting treatment
      • Should include: what they want to know and what they need to know:
      • Must obtain written consent for sedation/GA
      • Should include: options, risks and benefits, likely prognosis, your recommended option, consequences of not doing treatment, guarenteed?, expected survival of treatment
      • Should document in notes that consent was obtained. NB: written consent is good, but it's the discussion with the pt that determines whether the consent is valid.
      • Patient can withdraw consent at any time, refuse treatment, or ask for it to stop. You must acknowledge this.
        • Should explain consequences of not continuing - they are responsible for any future problems
      • Standards...
        • TWO - Must ensure all patients (or their representatives) understand the decision
          • Must check and document patients have understood the info
          • Must give sufficient info and TIME to process in order to make an informed decision
          • Must tailor the information for each individual so they can understand
          • Must not assume patient can give consent. Refer to appropriate legislation.
          • If patient has communication difficulties, you should encourage them to bring someone to help them to ask questions
        • THREE - Must ensure the consent remains valid throughout
          • You must ensure you have specific consent for each procedure in each appointment
          • At each stage, must tailor way you obtain consent to each patient's  needs
          • You must document the discussions you have when confirming their ongoing consent.
          • if you need to change treatment/cost, must obtain patients consent to changes
          • Consent is an on-going process. You should keep patients informed about the progress of their care
  • Patient can withdraw consent at any time, refuse treatment, or ask for it to stop. You must acknowledge this.
    • Should explain consequences of not continuing - they are responsible for any future problems


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