Postmodern theories of family

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  • Postmodern theories of Family
  • lack of metanarrative and family diversity
    • no single type of family is dominant or is the norm in contemporary society
    • family has evolved into many diverse forms as a result of society becoming more  diverse
  • Judith Stacey
    • contemporary societies have developed post-modern families.
      • Arrangements in the post modern family are diverse, fluid and unresolved
  • Movement away from a dominant family type
  • No normal types of family anymore
    • there can be no assumption that any particular form will become accepted the best or normal type of family
      • diversity is here to stay
  • Dotty and Pam
    • Dotty split from her violent husband but took him back after he had a heart attack and could no longer dominate her
  • Egalitarian Relationships
    • Although relationships can be unstable they are equal
  • Anthony Giddens
    • argues that intimate relationships have undergone important changes
    • 18th century Romantic Love
      • a marriage partner was ideealised as the person who would make an individuals life fulfilled
      • marriage was seen as a life long engagement
    • Modern era plastic sexuality, confluent loveand he reflective project of self
      • development of contraception has meant that people can have sex for pleasure.
      • love depends on both partners getting what they want rom the relationship
        • people are unwilling to stay with an unsatisfactory partner because of a constant reflection and attempt to improve your life
  • Beck and Beck - Gernsheim
    • individualisation
      • the main characteristics of modern life. individuals expect to make their own decisions about more and more aspects of heir lives
  • Reluctance to accept that we have left a modern industrial society behind,
    • 9-5 shifts, local communities, family values still exist in Britain today


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