plants,animals and fungi proto bacteria and virses

  • Created by: Molly Amy
  • Created on: 28-07-19 11:17
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  • cells walls which are cellulose
    • store carbonhydrates like sucrose or starch
      • can photosynthesise
        • flowering plants like maize
  • animals
    • multicellular
  • move around
    • store carohyrate in form of glycogen
    • nervous coordination can change rapidly in their environment
      • multicellular
  • some are single celled
    • some have body called mycelium which is made of hyphae which has a nuclei
      • cell walls made of chitin
        • store carbohydrate as glycogen
          • yeast is singles celled mucor is mulicellualler
    • fungi
      • plants animals and fungi
        • plants
          • multi cellular
            • have chloroplasts
              • cells walls which are cellulose
                • store carbonhydrates like sucrose or starch
                  • can photosynthesise
                    • flowering plants like maize
        • animals
    • protoctists ,     bacteria and viruses
      • protoctists
    • single celled - they are really tiny
      • some have chloroplasts some are like plant cells
        • others are more like animal cells
          • chlorella - plant like cell
            • amoeba animal like cell lives in a pond
    • viruses
      • these are particles
        • smaller than bacteria
          • reproduce only in living cells
            • they infect all types of living organism
              • different shapes and sizes
                • no cellular structure have protein coat around some genetic material
                  • influenza virus tobacco mosaic virus -- disclolours tabcco plants by stopping them producing chloroplasts
      • protoctists ,     bacteria and viruses
        • protoctists


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