Piggy - Lord of the Flies

  • Created by: Harry
  • Created on: 25-04-18 18:03
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  • Piggy
    • Represents the scientific, rationalist in society.
      • Voice of common sense
    • Intelligent
      • Contrast to physical and psychologicalweaknesses
        • Overweight, asthma, short-sighted
        • Comes from disadvantaged background
          • Shown by his ungrammatical expression
            • Uses double negatives
              • "I don't believe in no ghosts"
              • "You can't half swim well"
          • Looked after by aunty
      • Essential for Ralph's and other boys survival.
        • The one to tell Ralph what the conch is and how to use it.
    • Devoted to law and order
      • Respects the conch rule
      • There when conch is found, there when conch is destroyed.
        • The one to tell Ralph what the conch is and how to use it.
    • Not leader material
      • Boy's ignore him and ridicule him.
        • Golding saying that common sense is ignored in society.
      • Valued member to the group
        • Strengthens and supports it with his intelligence.
    • Unchanged throughout
      • Hair is the same length
      • Continues to pull socks up
        • Maintaining of uniform shows he is still civilised
    • His death
      • Represents the end of civilisation.
        • Conch shatters


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