Physics T1 - Energy stores

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  • Energy stores (8 must know)
    • Kinetic - anything moving
      • Energy transferred to this store if object speeds up & away from store if slows down
      • Kinetic energy  = 0.5 x mass  x (speed)²
        • KE = 1/2 x m x v²
    • Thermal - any object, the hotter it is the more energy it has in it's store
    • Chemical - anything that releases energy by  chemical reaction
    • Gravitational potential - anything in a gravitational field (anything that can fall)
      • When object is at any height above Earth's surface it will have energy in its gravitational potential energy store
      • Can calculate change in energy in gravitational potential energy store:   GPE = m x g x   h
    • Elastic potential - anything stretched (springs, rubber bands)
    • Electrostatic - 2 charges that attract or repel each other
    • Magnetic - 2 magnets that attract or repel eachother
    • Nuclear - atomic nuclei release energy from store in nuclear reactions


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