physics - electrical currents

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  • physics - electrical currents
    • electrical components
      • cell - this is necessary to push electrons around a complete circuit.
      • battery- a battery consists of two or more cells
      • switch - enables the current in a circuit to be switched on and off
      • an indicator (bulb) - emits lights as a signal when a current passes through it.
      • a diode - allows current to move in only one direction
      • light emitting diode - (LED) gives out light when a current passes through it
      • Ammeter - used to measure electric current
      • Voltmeter - used to measure potential difference (voltage)
      • fixed resistor- limits the current in a circuit by altering resistance
      • variable resistor - allows the current to varied/ changed by altering resistance
      • thermistor - alters resistance depending on how much it is heated
      • light dependant resistor - alters resistance depending on how much light it has
      • a fuse - melts to break the circuit if the current is greater than a certain amount
      • heater - transfers the energy from an electrical current to the surroundings
    • current
      • electric current is a flow of electric charge around a circuit
      • a bigger current would mean a bigger flow of charge per second
      • current is measured in amps
      • current is measured using an ammeter
      • series circuit - singe loop,same current, voltage splits between components
      • parallel circuit - has different paths, current splits between branches, voltage is the same
      • charge = current x time (Q=It) (Remember as quit)
    • potential difference
      • potential difference is the energy transferred to the component in a circuit
      • potential difference can also be called voltage
      • Energy transferred (J) = charge flow (C) x potential difference (V)
    • resistance
      • resistance is how difficult it is for the current to flow pass the ions
      • more resistance means less current can pass through
      • the units for resistance are ohms
      • resistance = potential difference * current
      • factors that affect resistance
        • material = copper has lower resistance than steel so there is a difference in ion size
        • length = longer wires have greater resistance as there is more chance of a collision with more ions
        • temperature = heating a wire increase its resistance as the ions will have more energy and so moving more, ausing more collisions
        • thickness = Smaller diameter wires will have a greater resistance as there is less space
    • graphs
      • filament lamp (bulb)
        • a bulb heats up and temperature increases
        • increase in temperature meas increase in resistance and a decrease in current
      • fixed resistor
        • directly proportional, as current increases potential difference increases
        • the steepness shows the resistance
        • steeper the line, the lower the resistance
        • Ohm's law = Ohmic conductors
      • Diode
        • only lets current flow in one direction by having a really high resistance in the other direction


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