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  • Photosynthesis
    • Light independent reactions
      • Occurs in the STROMA of chloroplast in light
        • Requires a continuous source of ATP and reduced NADP from LD reactions
      • Calvin Cycle
        • Carbon fixation of RuBp catalysed by RUBISCO
          • 6 carbon compound formed is unstable and breaks down into 2 x glycerate 3 phosphate (GP)
            • GP is reduced to 12  x glyceraldehyde 3 phosphate  (GALP)
              • Hydrogen for reduction comes from reduced NADP from LD reactions. Energy for the reaction comes from the hydrolysis of ATP - ADP + Pi from LD reactions
                • 2/12 GALPS is used in creation of carbohydrates (GL UCOSE) which can be converted to organic compounds such as amino acids or lipids.
                  • 10/12 GALPS are used in the recreation of RuBp. GALP is an isomer or RuBp. 10 GALPS rearrange then phosphorylation using hydrolysis of ATP creates RuBp.
      • Products used from LD Reaction: Reduced NADP and ATP
        • Reduced NADP is the hydrogen source to reduce GP - GALP. It is a hydrogen carrier to ensure that the hydrogen doesn't react with oxygen as it is transferred from water to carbon dioxide.
    • Light dependent reactions
      • Occurs in the thylakoid membrane
      • Products used from LI reaction: Oxidised NADP and ADP + Pi
      • Energy from light excites two electrons from a chlorophyll molecules in PSII and raises them to a higher energy level - these electrons bring about reactions of LD stage
        • Excited electrons from PSII are passed via electron carrier molecules which fill electron gaps in PSI. When a carrier accepts electrons, it is reduced. When electrons leave it is oxidised.
          • Energy from the transit of these electrons is used to photophosphorylate ADP + Pi - ATP.
            • Electron deficit in PSII is filled by 2 electrons from the photolysis of water
              • The excited electrons from PSI are raised again to a higher energy level and these are passed to oxidised NADP, two at a time together with a hydrogen ion from photolysis forming reduced NADP
            • Chemiosmotic Theory
              • The excited electrons lose energy as they move along the electron transport chain. This energy is used to transport hydrogen protons via a proton pump into the thylakoid space from the stroma creating a higher concentration of protons in thylakoid space
                • protons then move down their concentrationgradient into the stroma via the enzyme ATPase. the energy from this movement phosphorylates ADP + Pi - ATP
      • Waste Product: Oxygen from photolysis
      • Photolysis - splitting of water. products - 1/2 O2 molecule, 2 x H+ and 2e-
      • photosystems:pigment molecules that trap light energy and funnel it to reaction centres, causing electrons to be raised to a higher energy level.
    • Why does photosynthesis occur in chloroplasts?
      • Compartmentalisation  of these reactions in the chloroplast stroma means substrates and enzymes can be stored at concentrations which create efficient canalisation.


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