Peasants war

  • Created by: iola
  • Created on: 20-04-14 13:40
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  • Peasants war
    • Turning point in the reformation
      • Empire taken over by violent upheavals
        • Direction and leadership of Reformation switched significantly
          • Turning point in the reformation
            • Empire taken over by violent upheavals
              • Direction and leadership of Reformation switched significantly
              • 1525 - peasants directed their anger and violence against the church
              • Peasants produced the Twelve articles written against the church
                • 10/12 were economic reasons
        • 1525 - peasants directed their anger and violence against the church
        • Peasants produced the Twelve articles written against the church
          • 10/12 were economic reasons
      • Luthers and the peasants war
        • Peasants misinterpreted his views on on authority and the reformation
        • Believed in authority, hierarchy and gradualism... Not violence
        • Luthers publication 'on secular authority'
          • "he who resists government authority is resisting the ordinance of God" ... Luther believed the peasants were in the wrong
            • But...
      • Muntzer
        • one of the radical leaders of the Peasants
        • claimed to be acting in accordance to Luthers views
          • But...
      • Results
        • Luther became increasingly unpopular
          • Many peasants believed him to be no longer trustworthy
            • peasants felt betrayed
          • 100,000 peasants were slaughtered
          • Changed views and support on the German reformation
        • Luthers publication 'on secular authority'
          • "he who resists government authority is resisting the ordinance of God" ... Luther believed the peasants were in the wrong


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