
  • Created by: fatmar:))
  • Created on: 29-01-22 18:45
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  • P53
    • What does it do?
      • TP53 genes provide the instructutions to make a P53 protein - it's a phosphoprotein
      • The protein is a tumour suppressor so it regulates cell division by inhibiting growth and cell division at a fast or uncontrolled rate
      • Cell division is halted at the G1 and G2 phases of the cell cycle. (This is true for most Rb proteins as they block entry to the S phase)
      • Fact;             The P53 protein contains 393 amino acids
      • In a normal cell, it has 3 roles ; growth arrest, DNA repair or apoptosis (cell death)
      • The P35 gene is found on the 17th chromosome
    • What types of  cancer can it lead to?
      • Breast cancer, lung cancer, brain cancer, bladder cancer and liver cancer
      • LFS (Li-Fraumeni syndrome) is a genteically inheridented genetic syndrome where you have a higher risk of developing cancer.
        • P35 gene mutations cause about 70% of LSF conditions
        • It's dominant so only one copy of the mutated gene is needed
        • Those affected often get diagnosed with cancer at an early age and many have multiple cancers
    • How does it lead to the cancers?
      • The protein is altered so it can't trigger apoptosis (death) of cells with damaged DNA
        • Cells with the damaged DNA then undergo uncontrolled division or growth which leads to the formation of tumours
        • The TP35 gene mutations change a single amino acid which then alters the base produced and impacts the function of the gene.
    • What can cause mutations?
      • Usually it's caused by environmental factors such as ultraviolet light and tobacco smoke. The actual toxin is not known


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