Opposition to the Reformation

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  • Opposition to the Reformation
    • Methods of government to prevent opposition
      • Other methods include - pulpits, printed propaganda, oaths, proclamation (couldn't enforce loyalty through many of these though)
      • Royal Correspondence - key weapon for Crom
        • 16th April 1535 - letters set to JPs ordering arrest for those supporting Pope
          • 3rd April - wrote to Bishops - ensure all preached Royal Supremacy + gave model sermons to them - also wrote to the Sheriffs two ensure they were fulfilling their duties
      • (key) Church Visitations - 1533 - C arranged visitation of Church + monastic property - led to Valor Eccelasticus - justify dissolution of smaller monasteries - removed last religious group that didn't owe obedience to H
      • Injunctions - written religious orders normally issued by bishops in their diocese
        • Cromwell began to issue directives to clergy. First Royal Injunction for Clergy (1536) used to enforce Governments anti-papal position, remove e.g  superstitious images
          • Second set of injunctions autumn 1538 - required all parishes to have an English Bible and register all baptisms, marriages + burials
      • King himself - total executions for treason 1532-40 - 308 (much less from 1540-49
        • e.g Elizabeth Barton - Nun of Kent executed April 1534 after a humiliating ceremony where she confessed that her visions that the King would cease to be on the throne very soon were wrong
    • Key Opposition - The Pilgrimage of Grace
      • The Lincolnshire Rising
        • Causes
          • Tension raised by Gov - dissolving monasteries, collecting subsidy, inspecting the clergy and new religious styles
        • Consequence
          • Collaboration between commons + gentry diminished as Norfolk (sent by King) drew near gentry ran + commoners left
          • Rebels that remained sent home
      • The Yorkshire rising
        • Cause - news of the Lincolnshire spread quickly - ignited a series of interconnected regional revolts
        • 1. 30k rebels in York - led by Aske - called on men to maintain the holy church
          • 2. Rebels moved to Ponterfract 21st Oct - Lord Darcy handed ovwe Pontrefract Castle - most important castle in north (rebels also captured other cities like Hull)
            • 3. Aske promoted peaceful protest - pilgrims held sway over much of north - serious threat
              • 4. King sent Norfolk to rebels - rebels presented 5 articles (restoration of old religion, removal of Cromwell, cancellation of 1535 Prayer book, help cope with poor harvest, less taxes
                • H offered general pardon - As insisted monasteries not closed before parliament meeting - agreed, rebels dispersed
                  • Suspicion on this agreement, another attack raised in Jan 1537 - rebels started to be violent and attack Carlisle - gave H excuse to execute many involved genrty and nobles (inc Aske and Darcy) - death toll reached 178


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