O'Level - Directed Writing: Marking Criteria

  • Created by: CP28
  • Created on: 10-06-20 07:33
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  • Directed Writing
    • Language
      • Vocabulary
        • Wide and Precise
      • Verb Form
        • Correct, appropriate tenses consistently used
      • Punctutation
        • Accurate, Helpful
        • Sentence Structures
          • Varied for Particular effects
          • Paragraphs
            • Have unity, Are linked, Show evidence of planning
            • Spelling
              • Accurate
            • Overall Meaning
              • Highly Accurate
      • Sentence Structures
        • Varied for Particular effects
        • Paragraphs
          • Have unity, Are linked, Show evidence of planning
          • Spelling
            • Accurate
          • Overall Meaning
            • Highly Accurate
    • Task Fulfilment
      • Required points
        • Developed in detail, Fully amplified,well organised
      • Text Type/ Format
        • Entirely Appropriate
      • Good use of given information
        • Justifies personal opinion and interpretation
      • Situation & Audience
        • Clear Awareness
      • Tone and Register
        • Entirely Appropriate
      • Purpose
        • Good Understanding


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