Was Blanche Doomed From The Beginning? #6

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  • Old South
    • Ideals
      • The ideals of the Old South were dying following the American Civil War, as well as the abolition of slavery.
        • Seeing as Blanche represents the Old South, it is foreshadowed that she will, along with the Old South, die with it. Blanche no longer fits in the world that Stanley is born from, and the world that Stella has adapted to and accepted without hesitance.
    • Southern Belle
      • Seeing as Blanche represents the Old South, it is foreshadowed that she will, along with the Old South, die with it. Blanche no longer fits in the world that Stanley is born from, and the world that Stella has adapted to and accepted without hesitance.
      • Blanche represents the stereotypical Southern Belle. This contrasts Stella who has happily distanced herself from her prestigious background, unlike Blanche, who desperately clings to her superiority.
    • Stanley
      • Stanley directly represents the changing views of the New America, this is why him and Blanche clash so much throughout the play. They both stand for contrasting morals and policies, all of which neither of them can accept.
        • Blanche represents the stereotypical Southern Belle. This contrasts Stella who has happily distanced herself from her prestigious background, unlike Blanche, who desperately clings to her superiority.


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