OCHEM lab distillation

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  • Ochem lab two: distillation
    • vapor pressure- the pressure that is exerted by the molecules on the water, lower bp, the lower vp. if the pressure is lower, then that means the temp is lower to reach the boiling point (external pressure)  of the liquid.
      • boiling point- is when the outside pressure equals the pressure of the liquid (this is what causes it melt)
      • Raoult's law- allow us to calculate the vapor pressure at a certain component - formula: total moles of each compound times the mole fraction ( mole compound/ total moles of the compound)
        • Azeotrope- where the Raoult's law would not apply here. these two compounds are intertwined, where the volatility of one compound would depend on the other compound.
      • for the diagrams on how to simple and fractional distillation
        • the only difference between the distillation column is the fractional column. how it works is measure by the theoretical plates. the more plates you have, the more distillations you have, and the fractional column becomes better
          • one simple distillation- one theoretical plate
          • Untitled
        • the purpose of the condenser is turn the vapor back into the distillate
      • bumping- a violent explosion because of the low boiling solutes concerted in one area. we use boiling chips to prevent this from happening


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