ENV currents

  • Created by: Paul
  • Created on: 08-05-13 21:39
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  • Global Climatic Change Ocean currents
    • greenhouse effect
      • controls the energy & heat of the earths surface and atmosphere
    • ocean currents
      • Gulf stream
      • Driven by:
        • Evaporation
        • wind
        • change in density
      • El Nino-(bad)
        • La Nina-(worse)
  • controls the energy & heat of the earths surface and atmosphere
  • Natural phenomenon
    • greenhouse effect
    • enhanced greenhouse effect
      • caused by:
        • methane
          • comes from: landfill, anaerobic respiration (e.g. rice paddy fields)
        • carbon dioxide
        • nitros oxides
          • comes from: vehicle engines and power stations
        • CFCs
        • Tropospheric ozone
          • comes from: photochemical breakdown of NOx
    • caused by:
      • methane
        • comes from: landfill, anaerobic respiration (e.g. rice paddy fields)
      • carbon dioxide
      • nitros oxides
        • comes from: vehicle engines and power stations
      • CFCs
      • Tropospheric ozone
        • comes from: photochemical breakdown of NOx
    • ocean currents
      • Gulf stream
      • Driven by:
        • Evaporation
        • wind
        • change in density
      • El Nino-(bad)
        • La Nina-(worse)


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