obedience- social psychological factors

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  • obedience- social psychological factors
    • agentic state
      • occurs when you perceive someone to be in a position of authority over you
      • occurs through the agentic shift
        • a shift from the autonomous stage to agency
          • autonomous = independence
            • responisbility for one's actions
          • when an agent, you do not feel responsible for your own actions
            • they feel high anxiety once they realise what they're doing is wrong
              • moral strain
      • to stay in the agentic state, there must be binding factors
        • aspects of a situation which allow us to minimise the effect of damage their behaviour
          • it relieves moral strain
    • legitimacy of authority
      • when authorative figures possess power over us because society says they do in the hierarchy
      • e.g parents or teachers
      • some can take their authority and use it to manipulate others
        • we have to trust people to exercise their power accordingly
      • we first accept this in childhood through parents
    • evaluation
      • research support
        • students were shown a clip of milgram's experiment and were asked who was responisble for the harm done to the C
          • they identified the experimenter as they had legitimate and expert authority
            • legitimate authoruity can be an explanation for obedience
      • reductionistic
        • doesn't explain why some of Milgram's participants don't obey
        • simplifies complex behaviour so we understand why the majority obey


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