
  • Created by: wardk
  • Created on: 16-09-17 20:18
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  • Nuclear
    • Extraction
      • Uranium deposits are found using specialized instruments for detecting radioactive isotopes
      • Open Pit: blasting to expose ore, workers in enclosed cabins to reduce exposure, water is used to suppress dust
      • Deep: tunnels & shafts, workers exposed to high levels of radon gas, ventilation fans required
      • Heap Leaching: sulphuric acid is sprayed on spoil heaps forming a uranium liquid to be processed, cheap, possible water contamination
      • In-situ Leaching: oxidant & complexing agent pumped underground to recover uranium rich minerals, orebody must be permeable & away from water
    • Technology
      • Fission - splitting of fissile fuel nuclei e.g. Uranium 235 or Plutonium 239
      • Uranium 238 is more abundant than '235 (& can release more energy) but can only be used in fast reactors which aren't fully developed due to high costs
    • Availability
      • A huge amount of urnaium exists but most is found in low purity ores so not economical to exploit
      • Kazakhstan, Canada, and Australia are top producers and account for 70% of world uranium production
    • Environmental Impacts
      • Mining of uranium ore causes habitat loss, noise, dust & turbid drainage water
      • Reactor accidents & radioactive waste has health risks of ionising radiation
    • Trade & Economics
      • The threat of nuclear weapons has led to some countries to try to prevent the availability of the technology to untrustworthy nations
      • The cost of decommision is often overlooked when considering Nuclear Power
      • Power stations operate in 31 countries. New reactors being built in China, South Korea, India, and Russia.
      • France, Slovakia & Ukraine use it as a major electricity supply
    • Uses
      • Transportation e.g. submarines where the weight of fuel can be a problem.
      • Generate Electricity
      • Make nuclear batteries for space probes and remote beacons
    • Transport & Storage
      • Yellowcake is transported from mines to conversion plants  in steel drums within shipping containers.
      • New fuel rods  are transported  in specifically designed/ manufactured packages upon trucks


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