Non-human animals

  • Created by: Mbegum
  • Created on: 09-01-19 15:14
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  • Non-human animals
    • BPS guidelines for working with animals
      • Animals Scientific procedures act 1986
        • license granted if:
          • can't be done using non-animal methods
          • gained knowledge = justifies harm to animals
          • discomfort kept to min via medication
        • animals protected by this act
          • Untitled
          • vertebrate animals
          • Untitled
        • research on animals
          • permitted to licensed research
            • on licensed prohects
              • granted by home office
      • BPS = publish guidelines for research w/ animals
        • be aware of animals prev exp
        • choose species suited 4 research purpose
        • responsibilites extend to caring for animals
          • not being studied
        • heed 3 R's
          • reduce
          • replace
          • refine
        • pay att to procedures = cause pain
          • evaluate procedures + consder alt
        • conform to current legislation
        • consider food intake
          • metabolic requirements
          • normal food intake
    • comparitive psychology
      • Harry harlow
        • Harm w/in experiment
        • monkeys= emo maladjusted adults
          • despite comfort mother
        • consequence
          • didn't socialise
          • rejected own infants
        • benefits of research
          • showed important influence
            • infant emo development
              • feeding alone not basis of bond betw/ infant + care-giver
          • used to improve lives of monkeys in captivity
      • what is it?
        • study of non-human animals
          • intention to compare with humans
    • Ethological psychology
      • Konrad Lorenz
        • arranged hatcing gosling eggs
          • see him as first moving object
            • followed him everywhere like a mother
        • important influence on emo development
      • ethologist
        • study animals that doesn't affect behav
          • observing in natural environ + min interference
      • Dian Fossey
        • observed gorillas in natural habitat
          • to reach > understanding of their social rela
    • Animals as therapeutic device
      • Friedmann + son et al
        • reported beneficial effects for:
          • developmental disabilities
          • emo probs
        • reviwed 28 studies
          • using animal assisted therapy
      • client + animal rela developed
        • verbal interactions
          • e.g commands
        • physical ineractions
          • e.g grooming
        • aim
          • transfer social skills to other people
      • Anestis et al
        • methodological issues
          • no control  group
          • small sample size
          • no random allocation
        • reviwed 14 studies of equine therapy
        • evaluatiing benefits
          • could be due to attention from therapist
            • VS animal interation
      • Karen Allen
        • presence of pets lead to
          • elderly
            • buffer against livfe event stresses
              • reduced cardiovascular risk
          • children
            • reduce BP when reading aloud
    • Specieism
      • Animal rights
        • Tom Regan
          • animal research = always unacceptable
          • claims animals should be treated w/ respect
            • never used in research
        • against animal rights
          • challenge via concept of rights
          • right come from having responsibility in society
            • animals = no responsibility
              • therefore no rights
      • Jeffrey Gray
        • we have special duty of care to humans
          • thereforespecieism not same as racism
      • Peter Singer
        • discrimination of animals spedes
          • similar to racism / sexism


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