Newspapers overview

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  • Newspapers
    • Broadsheet
      • 'Quality' or 'serious' press
      • Bigger focus on human interest stories
      • Longer articles, more detailed
      • Formal headlines
      • Aimed at wealthier social groups
      • Smaller typefaces
    • Tabloid
      • Shorter articles
      • Puns/jokes in headlines
      • Larger picture ratio
      • 'popular press'
      • Aimed at lower class social groups
      • Bolder layout
    • Terminology
      • Mast-head
      • Slogan
      • Puffs and blurbs
      • Strapline
      • Standfirst
      • By-line
      • Standalone
      • Central image
      • News in brief/side bars
      • Pull quotes
      • Jump line
      • White space
      • Gatekeeping
      • Epistemology
    • Middle-market tabloid
      • A mixture of a broadsheet and a tabloid
    • Soft news
      • entertainment/celebrity news
      • Lifestyle news
      • Arts and culture news
      • Sports news
    • Hard news
      • international news
      • political news
      • business and economic news
      • health or education news
    • Regulation
      • PCC - Press Complaints Commission
        • severely criticised during the Leveson inquiry
        • seen to be largely ineffectual in regulating the newspaper industry
        • replaced by IPSO
      • IPSO - Independent Press Standards Organisation
        • no legal requirement for newspapers to be a part pf the organisation
        • fully funded by the newspaper industry
        • not backed by the government
      • IMPRESS
        • set up as an official regulator in 2016
        • newspapers continued to be members of IPSO instead
      • newspapers continue to be self-regulatory
    • Theorists
      • Curran and Seaton
        • profit and power
      • Livingstone and Lunt
        • who is regulation for?
      • Hesmondhalgh
        • minimise the risk/maximise the audience
    • News values
      • Threshold
      • Negativity
      • Unexpectedness
      • Unambiguity
      • Personalisation
      • Proximity
      • Elite nations/people
      • Continuity/currency
    • Popular papers
      • The Sun
      • The Daily Mirror
        • left-wing
        • owned by Reach PLC
        • tabloid
        • first published 1903
      • The Times
        • right-wing
        • owned by News UK
        • broadsheet
        • first published in 1785
      • The Daily Mail
      • The Guardian
      • The Telegraph
    • Online
      • quick access
      • news is constantly updated
      • many newspapers also have active social media accounts
      • all national newspapers now have an online presence
        • audiences can access a traditional print form through a digital platform
      • allows newspapers to broaden their audience reach in terms of production, distribution and circulation


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