Neural explanations for offending behaviour

  • Created by: Georgia
  • Created on: 10-06-19 09:07
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  • Neural explanations for offending behaviour
    • Biochemistry
      • High levels of noradrenaline are linked to violence and aggression
      • Serotonin controls mood and impulse
        • Low levels could cause impulsive crimes
      • Dopamine is linked with addiction and substance abuse
        • Dopaminergic activity in limbic system = pleasure is experienced through activity
      • Higley et al (1996) Positive correlation of testosterone and aggression but not impulsivity in male primate
        • Comparative psychology (differences in norms, morals and cognition)
    • Brain physiology
      • Limbic system controls emotions
        • Criminals lack remorse and guilt
      • Raine suggested frontal lobe is smaller in antisocials than others
        • Lack guilt and moral conscience
      • Raine (1997) Compared brains of murderers and non-criminals Abnormal activity in limbic system and thalamus
    • Biochemistry evaluation
      • Reductionist
        • Only one neuro-transmitter as cause is too simplistic
        • Allows us to focus on a specific chemical cause; allows treatment
      • Biologically deterministic
    • Brain physiology evaluation
      • Empirical methods iimprove reliability, validity and objectivity
      • Small sample sizes in research = harder to generalise
      • Only applicable for murder cases due to murderous sample


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