nazi germany - invasion of the soviet union

  • Created by: Abi Crew
  • Created on: 09-06-22 23:09
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  • the invasion of the Soviet Union
    • Nazi-Soviet Pact 1939
      • followed the failure of the West to make the USSR an ally
      • represented a major ideological and diplomatic turn around
    • failures
      • early promises of success not fulfilled because Germans overextended lines of communication and had inadequate reserves
      • German army was not prepared for the Soviet campaign, and the defeat at Stalingrad was a major turning point
    • Non-Aggression Pact
      • prevented both powers from supporting any country at war with the signatories
      • secret clauses referred to 'mutual spheres of influence' in eastern Europe
        • divided Poland between Germany and the USSR as well as allocated territories to each other
      • despite the pact, Hitler has always intended to invade the Soviet Union
        • would be easier now that they had a common frontier in Poland
    • preparation
      • negative outcome of Battle of Britain and the abandonment of Operation Sealion strengthened Hitler's resolve to attack USSR
      • Nov 1940 - military prep for Operation Barbarossa began
      • invasion was supposed to be a Blitzkrieg, began in June 1940
    • social darwinism
      • invasion was racist at core
      • Hitler - Russia was an ideological enemy, a monstrous regime ran by unfit Jewish communists
      • Nazis considered Slavic people to be racially inferior
    • benefits
      • war for the plunder of Slav labour, oil reserves from Caucasus and Ukrainian grain supply
      • pre-emptive strike against an enemy that had unrealised military potential
    • timing
      • based upon the misleading premise that the USSR had limited resources and military capacity
      • initial apparent successes, including the Leningrad siege and the taking of 3 million POWs


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