Foreign policy

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  • Stalin's Foreign Policy
    • China
      • Between 1927 and 1950, the Kuomintang and the Chinese Communist party fought a lengthy civil war
        • Kuomintang (nationalists)- Chiang Kai Shek, Leader of China
        • Chinese Communist Party (communists), Led by Chairman Mao Tsetung
        • Stalin intervened with arms shipments to the Nationalists. He believed they were stronger and would prevent any Japanese build up on the Chinese border
          • Stalin also supported the Nationalists because he was scared by the threat of Mao's brand of communism, a harder line called Maoism
    • Spain
      • Between 1936 and 1939, the Spanish Civil War was fought between Falange Espanola and the Republican government
        • Falange Espanola (Fascist) - Francisco Franco, general of the army
        • Republican's- Various movement's, led mainly from the Jose Diaz Government
        • Stalin loosely supported the Republican's, promoting the international brigades to fight Franco's forces, as well as with weapons shipments
          • The level of support Stalin really had for the Republican's is sceptical. The Republican movement was comprised of all groups on the left. The ***-FAI trade union in the catalan supported anarchism, whilst the international brigades endorsed Communism and Stalin, and the POUM supported Trotskyism
          • The likelihood is that Stalin didn't support the Republicans substantially because he didn't want another communist power in Europe
    • UK
      • In 1938, France, Germany, Italy and the UK agreed to let Germany annex the Sudetenland from Czechoslovakia. Stalin was not invited
    • France
      • In 1938, France, Germany, Italy and the UK agreed to let Germany annex the Sudetenland from Czechoslovakia. Stalin was not invited
    • Italy
      • In 1936, Italy, Germany and Japan, as well as other fascist countries and sympathetic  powers signed the 1936 Anti-Comintern Pact, opening up the possibility of a two front war on the USSR
    • Imperial Japan
      • In 1936, Italy, Germany and Japan, as well as other fascist countries and sympathetic  powers signed the 1936 Anti-Comintern Pact, opening up the possibility of a two front war on the USSR
    • Nazi Germany
      • The Nazi's we're a threat to the Soviets. They actively intimidated the KPD, threatened the border with the 1934 Polish-German treaty which gained Danzig and were extremely anti-slavic and semetic
      • In 1936, Italy, Germany and Japan, as well as other fascist countries and sympathetic  powers signed the 1936 Anti-Comintern Pact, opening up the possibility of a two front war on the USSR
      • Hitler annexed the Sudetenland in 1938 without any opposition. This displayed the unrivalled military strength of the Nazi's
      • In 1939, Stalin and Hitler agreed the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, named after the two foreign ministers.
        • The Pact agreed a 10 year stretch of peace with the option to renegotiate following the end of the treaty. It also held two clauses, stipulating that the USSR would be able to occupy eastern Europe and the Balkans, and an agreement to take Eastern Poland when the invasion started


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