Multi-Store Model Studies

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  • Multi-Store Model Studies
    • Sperling 1960 Sensory register support
      • What done?
        • Briefly displayed grids of 3 rows of letters
      • What found?
        • Could only recall 4-5 but were aware there were more letters
      • So what?
        • Supports sensory register aspect of MSM
    • Baddeley 1966 Coding Suupport
      • What found?
        • Acoustically similar words were confused after little delay before recall
        • Semantically similar words were confused after 20 minutes delay before recall
      • So what?
        • STM is encoded acoustically
        • LTM is encoded semantically
    • Miller 1956 Capacity of STM
      • What found?
        • 7  2 +/- chunks of information can be recalled
      • So what?
        • Chunking increases capacity
    • Glanzer et al
      • What done?
        • Demonstrated LTM and STM are different stores through primacy and recency effect
          • Primacy
            • Remembering the first word
              • Indicates transfer to LTM
          • Recency
            • Remembering the last word
              • Indicates transfer to STM
    • Peterson and Peterson 1959 Duration of STM
      • What found?
        • 90% remembered after 3 seconds
        • 2% remembered after 18 seconds
      • So what?
        • STM lasts approximal 20 seconds when rehearsal is prevented
    • Bahrick et al 1975 Duration of LTM
      • What done?
        • Participants asked to recall school classmates
          • Once without photos
          • Once with photos (photo recognition)
          • Once when given a name and asked to match photos (Name-recognition task)
      • What found?
        • 15 years after leaving school
          • 90% name and face accurate
          • 60% accurate on free recall
        • 48 years after leaving school
          • 80% name and face accurate
          • 30% accurate on free recall
      • So what?
        • Better recognition than recall
          • Cues prompt out LTM


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