moses and religion

  • Created by: clom118
  • Created on: 26-11-18 14:53
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  • when does he appear?
    • Moses
      • quotes
        • 'The animals hated Moses because he told tales and did no work'
          • he was seen as useless for the revolution
          • 'told tales'  - suggests that they are not true and that he is lying but because the animals are so uneducated they can't tell the difference between the truth and lies
        • 'the pigs had to counteract the lies put about by Moses the raven'
          • 'lies' - suggests that the more clever animals see past the lies and
          • 'counteract' - the animals are trying to oppose the lies put in place by Moses
        • 'in the middle of the summer, Moses the raven suddenly reappeared on the farm, after an absence of several years
          • 'suddenly' -  the adverb suggests that it was an abrupt action
            • reappeared shows us that he had never left the animals and the idea of religion was always with them (giving them faith, when they most needed it)
  • Moses uses these ideas to manipulate the animals into working harder for Mr Jones
    • chapter 2
      • his 'claimed' ideas about 'sugar candy mountain' were seen as great by the majority of the animals but not the pigs
      • the pigs did not believe in this as they were clever and highly educated. they realised that the story was not true and were very anti this
      • Moses disappears when the rebellion starts, as he is on Mr Jones' side
      • when does he appear?
        • Moses
          • quotes
            • 'The animals hated Moses because he told tales and did no work'
              • he was seen as useless for the revolution
              • 'told tales'  - suggests that they are not true and that he is lying but because the animals are so uneducated they can't tell the difference between the truth and lies
            • 'the pigs had to counteract the lies put about by Moses the raven'
              • 'lies' - suggests that the more clever animals see past the lies and
              • 'counteract' - the animals are trying to oppose the lies put in place by Moses
            • 'in the middle of the summer, Moses the raven suddenly reappeared on the farm, after an absence of several years
              • 'suddenly' -  the adverb suggests that it was an abrupt action
                • reappeared shows us that he had never left the animals and the idea of religion was always with them (giving them faith, when they most needed it)
      • reflects how when the rebellion occurred in Russia, Stalin got rid of religion so that  the proletariat could put their faith into him


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