
  • Created by: aisling15
  • Created on: 02-03-21 22:32
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  • Mississippi
    • Background
      • Has one of the largest drainage basins in N. America
      • Drains water from 1/3 of the USA
      • The river is important for shipping
      • It is important for Hydroelectric power
      • Important for drinking water
      • When it flooded in 2011 around 25,000 people where evacuated.
        • Cost of the damage to property was $3 billion
    • Hard Engineering
      • Levees- built to 15m and for 300km along the river
        • Levees are partly blamed for 2011 flooding
          • The levees protected the area where they were built but pushed the problem down stream
        • After a flood silt is deposited on the channel bed instead of the floodplain
          • As a result normal water level is higher than the flood plain
            • Part of New Orleans are 4.3m below river level increasing risk of flood damage
      • Dams
        • Over 100 dams ahve been built
          • Dames trao silt prevent it reaching the delta or enriching the farnland
            • This has resulted in the Heron being  endangered.
            • More fertiliser is need for farmland
      • Straightening the Channel
        • 1750km of the channle were straightened to make teh river flow faster
          • Making the river flow faster
            • The river naturally erods aand the natural shape resumes as a result money and time are wasted
          • Plants, animals and fish lose their habitats
    • Soft engineering
      • Afforestation
        • Tree planting in Tennessee Valley as trees absorbs water
        • prevents water from reaching the river
        • Helps prevent soil erosion
        • Provides wildlife habitats nd opportunities for recreation
      • Safe flooding zones
        • Houses near the flooding zone are bought and demolished, for example, Rock island
          • The area is turned into a greenspace-
            • Untitled
        • It is cheaper in the long tern to prevent damage than compensate


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