Minority Influence

  • Created by: rosannaaa
  • Created on: 05-05-18 11:58
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  • Social change-processes by which society changes beliefs, attitudes and behaviour to create new social norms. Can be positive, e.g. Suffragette movement gaining votes for women. Negative, e.g. the genocide inflicted upon millions by the Nazis.
    • Consistency
      • M.I most effective if minority keeps same beliefs over time, effective because it draws attention to minority view.
  • M.I refers to situations where one person or small group influences beliefs or behaviours of other people.
  • M.I most likely to lead to internalisation - public and private beliefs are changed.
  • Makes people rethink their own views.
  • Synchronic Consistency - all saying same thing.
  • Diachronic Consistency - been saying the same thing for some time now
  • Minority demonstrates dedication to their position, shows they are not acting out of self interest.
    • Committment
      • Augmentation Principle - engaging in extreme activities some risk to the minority, people pay more attention and consider their view.
  • Consistency can be viewed negatively, so need to be prepared to adapt their point of view.
    • Flexibility
      • More effective if minority show flexibility towards accepting possibility of compromise.
  • All 3 factors make people consider topic, if the view is consistent and passionate, this deeper processing is important in the conversion to minority viewpoint.
    • Process of change
    • Minority Influence
  • Snowball effect - gradually the minority view has become the majority view and change has occurred.


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