Coastal Management  

  • Created by: Revisiola
  • Created on: 12-05-16 11:06
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  • Coastal Management
    • Minehead- hard engineering
      • Major tourist attraction - Butlins
        • Brings £90 million per year
        • The land used to be marsh land- the sea naturally wants to flood the area
      • In 1990 Mineheads beach was washed away
        • leading to a flood which cost £2 million
      • Approach
        • 1.8 km sea wall
          • deflect waves back into the sea
        • Concrete step revetments
        • 320,000 tonnes of sediment
          • 12.5 million
        • 4 rock groynes
        • rock armour
          • each weighing up to 7 tonnes
    • Porlock bay- soft engineering
      • The shingle ridge which protects the marshland has been breached by high water levels and storms
        • They have attempted to repair the shingle by placing  break waters
      • Groynes were also used after the beach move 20-30 m inland in 1996
      • 'DO NOTHING' approach
        • Some farmland will be lost
        • damaging floods will no longer happen
        • marsh land will absorb the impact of future floods
          • Managed retreat
  • Background info.


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