Milgram's obedience study

  • Created by: Georgia
  • Created on: 18-04-19 10:32
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  • Milgram (1963) Obedience study
    • Aim
      • To investigate whether individuals would obey even if commands go against moral code
      • To test the "Germans are different" hypothesis
    • Procedure
      • 40 American males aged 20-50
      • Experimenter in grey lab coat
      • Shock goes up 15V for each question
    • Results
      • 65% went up to the full 450V
      • 100% went up to 300V
      • PPs showed distress (twitching and sweating), 3 PPs have seizures
    • Evaluation
      • Provided an explanation as to why people blindly obey
      • Artificial setting so can't be related to real life
      • Gender bias and lacks population validity and so can't generalise
      • Standardised procedures so can be replicated, improves reliability and validity
      • Ethical concerns; distress, deception, no right to withdraw


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