Marxist Feminists

  • Created by: Elysia
  • Created on: 27-01-14 10:10
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  • Marxist Feminists
    • Deeper and more fundamental changes are needed
    • Critics are keen to question who or what is being blamed for gender inequality - economy or male dominance?
      • Is Marxist feminism signifying a unified system of society or a dual-system where economics and patriarchy are linked
    • Use gender equality to explain the rise of capitalism
      • Benston (1972) focused on the economic aspects of gender inequality, e.g; women as a reserve army of labour, domestic labour favouring capitalism and the ideology of the nuclear family
      • Women are used to benefit the operation of the capitalist  economy
    • Marxist feminists can be seen as fusing Marxist thinking with gender inequality
      • Hartmann (1981) describes the relationship between Marxism and feminism as an unhappy marriage, as they are difficult to mould into a coherent theory
    • Hartmann (1981) argues that patriarchy and economics both play a crucial role in explaning and understanding gender equality
      • She argues that neither patriarchy or economics can explain inequality alone (dual-systems theory)
      • Historically men have controlled women - "labour of power", e.g. legistlations that work in favour of men, or economic differences such as income and wealth
  • Use gender equality to explain the rise of capitalism
    • Benston (1972) focused on the economic aspects of gender inequality, e.g; women as a reserve army of labour, domestic labour favouring capitalism and the ideology of the nuclear family
    • Women are used to benefit the operation of the capitalist  economy


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