Marketisation and parentocracy

  • Created by: Blessing
  • Created on: 21-04-13 18:27
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  • Marketisation and parentocracy
    • 1988 education reform act introducted by the conservativ government of Margaret Thatcher extablished the principle of marketisation in education
    • Marketisation = introducing market forces of consumer choice and competition between suppliers into areas run by the state such as education and the NHS.
    • The education reform act 1988 created an education market by :-reducing direct state control over education and increasing both competitions between schools and parental choice of school
    • the new right favour marketisation srguing that the state control leads to low stanars and less choice for parents. contrastly marketisation means that schools are run more like businesses to attract customers (Parents)
    • Schools that  provide their cutomers with what they want - good exam grades will thrive and those that dont will 'go out of business'
      • David describes this phase as a parentocracy 'rule by parents' this is because supporters of marketisation argue that the power shifts from the producers (teachers) to consumers (parents)
        • They claim this encourages diversity among schools and gives parents more choice, meets the needs of different pupils and raises standards.
    • Policies to promote marketisation include
      • Publication of exam league tables& ofsted inspection reports to gice parents the information trhey need to chose the right school
      • Business sponsorship of schools e.g ctc
      • Open enrolement allowing successfykl schools to recruit more pupils
      • Formula funding where schoolsrecieve the same amount of funding per pupil
      • Schools having to compete to attract pupils
    • the reproduction of inequality - critics argue that marketisation has increased inequalities between pupils e.g. m/c parents are better placed to take advantage of the available choices.
      • Ball and whitty argue that marketisation reproduces inequality through exam league tales and the funding formula
    • Exam league tables tis policy ensures schools which achieve good results are more in demand as parents are more attracted to those with good league table rankings this a;llows schools to be more selective and rcruit high achieving ainly m/c students as a result they do better in education. vice versa the opposite applies
    • the funding formula. schools are allocated funds based on a formula of how many students they attract. as a result popular schools get more funds beingt able to afford better qualified teachers and better facilities. their popularity allows them to be more selective attracting more able/ambitious m/c applicants. vice versa unpopular scholls lose income and find it difficult to match.
    • Myth of parentocracy. aswell as reproducing inequality marketisation legitimises it by concealing aits true cases and by justifyng its existence.
      • Ball believes that marketisationgives the 'appearence' of creating parentocracy - the education system seems as if it is based on parents haveing a free choice of school. howvever ball argues parentocracy is a myth not reality. makes it appear that all parents have the same freedom to choose which school to send their children to.
      • Gewirtz shows that m/c parents have more econimic and cultural capital and so are better able to take advantage of the choices available. e.g in leech campos show they can afford to move into the catchment areas of more desirable schools/
      • By disgusijng the fact that schools continue to reproduce class inequality the myth of parentocracy makes inequality in education appear fair and inevitable


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