Unit 12: Managing people

  • Created by: Tasha
  • Created on: 03-03-14 13:27
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  • Managing People
    • Motivation
      • Maslow
        • Hierarchy of needs
          • Physiological
            • Safety
              • Social
                • Esteem
                  • Self - Actualization
                    • Creating challenges
                    • Reaching your fullest and ultimate most
                  • Positive feedback and promotion
                • Team work, employees
              • Job security, additional benefits
            • Wage, working conditions, Food, Water
      • Mc Gregor
        • Theory X
          • Autocratic
          • Coersive
            • Threat is a type of punishment to encourage work
            • Type of control and punishment
          • Workers dislike work
          • People lack ambition and don't want responsibility
        • Theory Y
          • Workers have self motivation
          • Partisipative leadership
          • Workers treated with respect
            • Unlimited creativity
          • Promotions given
      • Herzberg
        • Hygiene and motivation
          • You must meet basic hygiene factors and then once they have been met you can motivate employees
          • Hygiene Factors
            • Salary and security
              • Imrpoving these lower dissatisfaction but doesnt improve motivation or satisfaction
            • Hygiene Factors remove sources of unhappiness among workers such as decent wages, working conditions, security and safety.
    • Leadership Styles
      • Autocratic
        • Leaders hold much power and decision making as possible
        • Very little delegation
        • McGregor Theory X approach
        • Total authority
      • Laissez - Faire
        • Leader lacks direct supervision
        • Little supervision
        • Negatives: Lack of control
        • Allows employees to be creative and be creative
        • "Leave alone"
      • Democratic
        • Employees have greater involvement in decision making
          • Slows down decision making
        • Delegation but managers have the final say
      • Paternalistic
        • Leaders decide whats best for employees
        • Little delegation
        • Softer form of autocratic leadership, better motivation
      • Participative
        • Type of democratic leadership style
        • Values input of team members and peers
        • Leader makes the final decision
        • Employees contribute to decision making
    • Power
      • Coercive
        • The power of fear
          • Fear of loosing a job
            • Loss of promotion
      • Reward
        • using gifts, bonuses, raises, promotion, time off
      • Legitimate
        • Comes from having a position of power in an organisation
        • Eg being a boy or high up in the business
      • Expert
        • From having experience, skills or knoledge
      • Referent
        • From being trusted and respected
    • Organisational Structure
      • Levels of hierachy
        • The number of differrent supervisory and management levels between the shop floor and a manager within an organisation
        • Subordinate = A worker
        • Chain of command = line of communication and authority from the top to the bottom of the hierarchy
        • Organisational structure
          • The relationship between different people in an organisation
        • Organisational chart
          • A diagram showing the lines in authority and layers of hierarchy in an organisation
        • Span of control
          • Number of subordinates a manager is requred to supervise directly
        • Tall structure
          • Small span of control, larger change of command
        • Flat Structure
          • Few layers, chain of command is short and the span of control is wider
    • Types of decisions
      • Strategic Decisions
        • Long term
      • Tatical Decisions
        • Short Term
      • Routine
      • non routine
      • Reactive
      • Proactive
      • Critical path analysis
      • Decision trees
      • Statistical process control
    • Functions of managing
      • Planning
      • Organising
      • Report
      • Monitoring


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