Macbeth- a tragic hero?

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  • Macbeth- a tragic hero?
    • What is a tragic hero?
      • A tragic hero is a character who makes a judgement error in which sets them on a path to their own destruction.
    • What was Macbeth's fatal flaw?
      • Ambition and greed
        • Macbeth was overly ambitious and greedy. Once he had the one promotion he wanted another. This played a major part in being persuaded by Lady Macbeth and a decision that led to his corruption and demise.
      • Superstition
        • Macbeth is very superstitious, he believes the witches words especially after their first prediction comes true. This fuels his belief that he will become king.
      • Gullibility
        • Macbeth along with believing the witches is also very vulnerable and gullible when it comes to his own wife, Lady Macbeth.
    • Macbeth's changes in charecter over the play.
      • Macbeth at the beginning of the play is an admired and brave warrior. He is loyal to his King and his friends.
      • After Macbeth hears about the witches prophecies surrounding him he is easily persuaded into killing the King.


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