Liberal reforms 1906-14 (3)

  • Created by: MonsurAli
  • Created on: 15-06-17 00:49
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  • Liberal reforms 1906-14 (TEEN COLT)
    • T - Trades Disputes Act 1906
      • Reversed Taff Vale decision which was primarily to just appease the Labour MP's to honour the Lib-Lab pact. For workers.
    • E - Education Act 1906 (School meals)
      • Local authorities could provide meals if families were very poor. This included holidays and Saturdays. However it was not compulsory, but by 1914 14 million free school meals given.
    • E - Education Act 1907 (Medical inspection)
      • Annual inspection for all elementary school children. By 1914 three quarters of LEA's were supplying this. However it did a check but did not supply treatment which did not benefit the poor.
    • N - National Insurance Act (1911)
      • Provided 50p a week for those ill off of work for upto 26 weeks. It was for workers only earning upto £160 per annum. Provided free medical treatment, but was contributory: 4d from worker, 3d from employer and 2d from state.
        • It was for only 16-60 year olds; the pension was at 70 years old, which meant there was a 10 year gap where there was no govt support. It also only benefitted the worker not the family.
    • C - Children's and Young Persons Act 1908
      • Parents were legally responsible for their child. Juvenile courts were introduced. Kids also could not buy alcohol or tobacco. This help differentiate punishments for children and adults.
    • O - Old Age Pensions 1908
      • They were non-contributory. 5s a week for single people over 70. For earners of less than £31 a year incomes. If earnings were between this it would adjust (decreasing scale).
      • 7s & 6d for a married couple. It was collected through post offices and this was favoured upon (old people bringing flowers). However you could never have been convicted as a criminal and it was not enough.
    • L - Labour exchanges 1910
      • Assists unemployed to find out about job vacancies. 430 set up finding 3000 jobs a day, however there were many complaints about queues being long.
    • T - Trade boards 1909
      • Boards set up to fix minimum wages and inspect working conditions. Initially covered 200,000 (mostly women) where there were no trade unions.
        • However it only covered 'sweated industries' and did not cover farming etc. There were not enough inspectors to enforce anything. National minimum wage is first introduced in 1999.


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