The Process of Making Laws

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  • Law Making Process
    • 4. Second Reading
      • The first debates take place, abiding by the hierarchy of Parliament: 1. PM or relevant Minister. 2. Leader of opposition or relevant shadow Minister. 3. Other party leaders. 4. Backbenchers.
    • 9. House of Lords
      • The Lords go through the same process as the MP's did. They scrutinise over it and can block the bill two times-sending it back to a green paper-before it automatically becomes law.
      • The Lords provide a safety net for the nation, by scrutinising over the bill.
    • 3. First Reading
      • The bill is simply read out to the House of Commons-no debates take place.
    • 10. Royal Assent
      • The bill is signed by the Monarch and made into law.
    • 5. Division (Voting)
      • The division bell rings and MP's cast their vote by physically moving into one of the division chambers 'yay' or 'nay'.
    • 8. Third Reading
      • This is when the most heated debates take place. A final division is taken.
    • 2. White Paper Bill
      • The final wording of the bill is established.
    • 1. Green Paper Bill
      • This is just a consultative document. The first draft of the bill.
    • 6. Public Bill Committees
      • The public bill committees scrutinise over every clause. They can also call in members of the public who are experts in the same field as the bill.
      • It is argued that this stage should happen sooner in the process. They are manned by backbenchers and reflect the majorities of Parliament.
    • 7. Report Stage
      • The public bill committees simply report back to the Hours of Commons what changes they think should be made.


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