Language Levels

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  • Language Levels
    • Phonology
      • sound of language, what this implies
      • phonetics
        • sounding out words
        • how language is taught to young children
      • Prosody
        • patterns of  rhythm in language
    • Lexis
      • word level and what this implies
    • Semantics/ Semantic Field
      • language analysis when dealing with meaning
      • a very broad term, however suggests linking ideas to meaning and how meaning is shaped
      • Semantic Field  of sports could be different types of sports like swimming, football etc.
    • Syntax
      • associated with analysis of grammar
        • more specifically, how sentences are ordered and presented
    • Pragmatics
      • analysis of the implied meaning of a language
    • Discourse/Discourse structure
      • an intercity of a text
      • specifically referred to when analysing structure
    • Graphology
      • the study of written and printed symbols
      • used when analysing layout, images etc within a text


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