Kohlberg's theory of moral reasoning

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  • Kohlberg's theory of moral    reasoning        - A cognitive     explanation    of offending behaviour
    • Is a stage theory of moral development which some individuals don't progress past certain levels. Kohlberg claims criminals have lower moral reasoning.
    • Supporting Evidence
      • Kohlberg et al - using his moral dilemma technique - found that a group of violent you were significantly lower in development than non-violent.
        • Criminals likely to be characterised as in the pre-conventional stage- the need to avoid punishment and gain rewards.
      • Chandler- supports assumption, as the findings suggest offenders are more egocentric ans display poorer social perspective taking skills.
      • Palmer and Hollin compared moral reasoning between offenders and non-offenders- found offenders showed less mature moral reasoning. Supports the theory.
    • Evaluation
      • Application Understanding how low moral reasoning is associated with offending- useful in treatment programmes. e.g. finding ways to increase level of moral reasoning while treating so decrease re-offending.
      • Supporting Evidence
        • Kohlberg et al - using his moral dilemma technique - found that a group of violent you were significantly lower in development than non-violent.
          • Criminals likely to be characterised as in the pre-conventional stage- the need to avoid punishment and gain rewards.
        • Chandler- supports assumption, as the findings suggest offenders are more egocentric ans display poorer social perspective taking skills.
        • Palmer and Hollin compared moral reasoning between offenders and non-offenders- found offenders showed less mature moral reasoning. Supports the theory.
      • Individual Differences. Moral reasoning can account for individual differences in offending, it explains why some commit and others do not - usefulness of the theory. But there is such a wide variety of crimes- unlike moral reasoning is same for all.
      • Criticism of the theory. possible that low moral reasoning is a result of criminal behaviour and not the cause. this lowers the support for the theory as cause and effect can't be established.


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