Cognitive explanations- A03

  • Created by: MollyL20
  • Created on: 22-10-21 09:21
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  • Cognitive explanations- A03
    • Research support for level of moral reasoning
      • 1. Palmer and Hollin compared moral reasoning between 210 female non-offenders, 122 male no-offenders and 126 convicted offenders using the Socio-moral Refection Measure- Short Form (SRM-SF) which contains 11 moral dilemma- related questions. 
      • 2. The criminal group showed less mature moral reasoning that the non-criminal group which is consistent with Kohlberg’s predictions. 
    • The sample is gender bias (moral reasoning)
      • 1. According to Gilligan (1977), because Kohlberg’s theory was based on an all-male sample, the stages reflect a male definition of morality (it’s androcentric). 
      • 2.Men’s' morality is based on abstract principles of law and justice, while women’s' is based on principles of compassion and care. 
      • 3.Further, the gender bias issue raised by Gilligan is a reminded of the significant gender debate still present in psychology, which when ignored, can have a large impact on the results obtained through psychological research.
    • There’s a lack of ecological validity (moral reasoning)
      • 1. Most of the dilemmas are unfamiliar to most people (Rosen, 1980).
      • 2. For example, it is all very well in the Heinz dilemma asking subjects whether Heinz should steal the drug to save his wife
      • 3. However, Kohlberg’s subjects were aged between 10 and 16.
      • 4. They have never been married, and never been placed in a situation remotely like the one in the story.
      • 5 How should they know whether Heinz should steal the drug?


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