Islam Belief and Teachings

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  • Islam
  • Pure and sinless
    • Angels
      • Bring the word of God to the prophets or messengers of God
      • "Each person has angels before him and behind, watching over him by God's command" - Qur'an 13:11
      • Angels are involved in human life from conception to death
      • Angels have the power to take on human form where necessary
      • Israfil - the angel of death
      • There are angels who escort human souls to Heaven or Hell
      • Two angels are always with you: left shoulder records bad things, good shoulder records good things
      • Supernatural beings
      • "Praise be to God, Creator of the heavens and earth, who made angels messengers with two, three, four (pairs of) wings" - Qur'an 35:1
      • Angels have no free will so they cannot do anything to displease God
      • Mika'il
        • The archangel of mercy who rewards good deeds and provides nourishment to people
      • Jibril
        • The archangel who brought Allah's message to the prophets
      • Islam
  • "God does not change the condition of people (for the worse) unless they change what is in themselves" Qur'an 13:11
    • Predestination
      • The idea that God knows/determines everything that will happen in the universe
      • "Only what God has decreed will happen to us. He is our master. Let the believers put their trust in God" - Qur'an 9:51
      • Sunni Muslims believe that God has already decided everything that will ever happen - less free will
        • Despite the varying belief, all Muslims believe that on Judgement Day, you are held responsible for all your actions and will be punished or rewarded accordingly
      • Shi'a Muslims believe that God knows what will happen but He doesn't necessarily decide what will happen - more free will
        • Despite the varying belief, all Muslims believe that on Judgement Day, you are held responsible for all your actions and will be punished or rewarded accordingly
  • The 5 Pillars of Islam should be adhered to at all times, securing a good afterlife
    • Hajj - pilgrimage
    • Salah - prayer (5x a day)
    • Shahada - declaration of faith
    • Ramaden - fast
    • Life after death
      • There is a direct link between predestination and the Day of Judgement as Muslims believe that once this day comes, it is too late to beg for forgiveness for wrongdoings
      • The angel of death will first take a person's soul to barzakh which is the stage between the moment they die and the moment of facing judgement
      • Muslims will want to live their life according to their beliefs to gain reward in the afterlife
      • The body will be resurrected on the Day of Judgement
      • "...and ward of the fire which has been prepared for the disbelievers" - Qur'an 3:131
      • They will be sent to paradise (al'Jannah) or to Hell (jahannan)
      • They will dwell amid scorching wind and scalding water in the shadow of black smoke, neither cool nor refreshing" - Qur'an 56:42-44
  • Prophethood and Adam
    • Risalah - the belief that prophets are an important channel of communication between God and humans
    • "Every community is sent a messenger and when their messenger comes, they will not be wronged" - Qur'an 30:20
    • There are 25 named prophets in the Qur'an but Muhammad is the last and greatest
    • Prophets are considered to be good role models for Muslims
    • Prophet - a person who proclaims the message of God
    • "He first created man from clay... then He molded him; He breathed from His Spirit into him; He gave you hearing, sight, and minds" - Qur'an 2:31-32
    • "One of His signs is that He created you from dust and lo and behold!- you became human and scattered far and wide" - Qur'an 30:20
    • Adam
      • Adam was the first prophet
      • Iblis (Satan) refused to bow to Adam and was cast out of paradise
      • Angels should bow to Adam
      • Created from dust
      • First man
      • Allah gave him reason and language
  • Ibrihim
    • The Ka'aba is the holiest place in Islam. It is believed to be the site of the first mosque built by Adam. It was destroyed in the flood in Noah's time and then rebuilt by Ibrahim and Ishmael
    • The story of Ibrahim having his faith tested by Allah by being willing to sacrifice his son teaches Muslims to submit to Allah in their lives
    • Festival Eid'al'Adha is the celebration at the end of Hajj and remember the sacrifice that Ibrahim made
    • Ibrahim was one of the earliest prophets to declare his faith and attempt to stop idolatry
    • Ibrahim is referred as "the father of all nations"
    • Through his obedience he is also seen as a role model
  • Muhammad and the Imamate
    • Messenger of Allah
    • He was known as the "seal of the prophets" as he received the final and perfect message from Allah
    • A role model
    • Imamate - the divine appointment of the Imams
    • Imam - a person who leads communal prayer, in Shi'a Islam the title given to Ali and his successors
    • In 611 CE, Muhammad was meditating in a cave when Angel Jibril appeared to him
    • Muhammad couldn't read but three times Jibril ordered him to recite
    • "Recite in the name of your lord..." - Qur'an 96:1
    • Jibril told Muhammad that he was to be the messenger of Allah
    • Muhammad's friends and followers wrote down the chapters of the Qur'an for him
    • These revelations continued for the next 23 years
  • Qur'an
  • Way of life
  • Don't leave it/ put it on the floor
  • Be clean when handling
  • Must learn Arabic
  • Deeds are recorded
  • Believed to be the only unchanged message of Allah
  • 114 chapters of historical accounts
  • Revealed to Muhammad over 22 years
  • Most sacred text of Islam
    • Source of Islamic Law
    • Holy Books
    • Torah
    • Means "the recital"
    • Scrolls of Abraham
    • Psalms
    • Gospel
    • Given to Moses
    • Revealed to Ibrahim and used by his sons Ishma'il and Ishac
    • Zabur
      • Revealed to David
      • Holy Books
      • Tawrat
        • Means instruction
      • Sahifah
        • Scrolls are thought to be lost
      • Injil
        • Revealed to Jesus
      • Muslim - one who has submitted to the will of Allah
      • Islam - the name of the religion followed by Muslims; to surrender to the will of Allah; peace
      • Allah - the Arabic name for God
      • Tawhid - the Oneness and unity of Allah
      • Monotheistic - a religion that believes there is only one God
      • Supremacy - supreme power or authority; a quality of Allah
      • Qur'an - the holy book revealed to Muhammad by the angel Jibril; Allah's final revelation to humankind
      • Sunnah - the teachings and deeds of Muhammad
      • Sunni - Muslims who believe Abu Bakr was the successor of Muhammad and was elected as the Caliph to ensure people follow to the law of Allah
      • Shi'a - Muslims who believe in the Imamate, initially led by Muhammad's cousin and son-in law Ali. They believed that the true leader of Islam should be a descendant of Muhammad
      • Immanent - the idea that Allah is present in and involved with life On earth and in the universe; a quality of Allah
      • Transcendent - the idea that Allah is beyond and outside life on Earth and the universe; a quality of Allah
      • Omnipotent - having unlimited power
      • Beneficent - omnibenevolent; all loving
      • Merciful - the quality of Allah that shows compassion or forgiveness to humans, even though he has the power to punish them
      • Fairness - the idea that Allah treats people fairly an impartially without discrimination
      • Justice - the idea that Allah is fair and judges humans actions; rewarding the good aand punishing the bad
      • Angels - spiritual beings believed to act as messengers of Allah
      • Day of Judgement - a time when they world will end and every soul will be judged by Allah
      • Jibril - the Arabic name for Gabriel, thee archangel who brought Allah's messages to the prophets
      • Mika'il - the Arabic name for Michael, the archangel of mercy who rewards good deeds and provides nourishment to people
      • Predestination - the idea that God knows or determines everything that will happen in the Universe
      • Akhirah - everlasting life after death
      • Resurrection - rising from the dead and returning to life
      • Prophet - a person who proclaims the message of God
      • Risalah - the belief that prophets are an important channel of communication between God and humans
      • Iblis - Satan, a spiritual being created from fire who was thrown out of Paradise for refusing to bow to Adam
      • Ka'aba - the black, cube-shaped building in the centre of the Grand Mosque in Mecca, the holiest place in Islam
      • Eid-ul-Adha - Islamic festival that celebrates Ibrahim's willingness to sacrifice his son for God
      • Hajj - the annual pilgrimage to Mecca that every Muslim should try to make at least once in their life
      • Caliph - a person considered to be a political and religious successor to Muhammad and the leader of the Sunni Muslim community
      • Imam - a person who leads communal prayer, in Shi'a Islam the title given to Ali and his successors
      • Imamate - the divine appointment of the Imams
      • Torah - the five books revealed by God to Moses
      • Psalms - a holy book revealed by God to David
      • Gospel - a holy book revealed by God to Jesus
      • Scrolls of Abraham - a holy book revealed by God to Abraham
      • Surah - a chapter of the Qur'an
      • Hafiz - a person who can recite the Qur'an from memory
      • Hadith - a book containing sayings of Muhammad
      • Sunnah - Muhammad's teachings and practices which can be found in the Hadith
      • Hijrah - the escape from persecution from Mecca to Medina in 622
      • Ummah - worldwide community of Muslims
      • The Night Journey - an event when Jibril took Muhammad on a winged horse to Jerusalem and then to Heaven where he spoke with angels and prophets and was told that people should pray 5 times a day
      • Shariah - Islamic law, based largely on the Qur'an and the Hadith
      • Facts
      • Quotes
      • Key words
      • Headings of topics


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