labelling theory

  • Created by: ishah
  • Created on: 02-04-14 16:10
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  • interactionist labelling theory
    • Becker 63'
      • social groups create labels to outsiders
        • pick of specific feature - make em deviant
      • EVAL
        • new approach to crime
        • ignores deviant behaviour
        • stereotypically deviant is young m
        • too simplified
    • Lemert72'
      • primary deviance
      • secondary
        • this ones labelled
      • EVAL
        • doesn't explain origin of deviance
        • shows how its complex process
    • Young71
      • hippy drugs - cops targetted
        • labelled outsider
      • EVAL
        • doesn't explain origin
        • shows how they were deviant
    • Cicourel 76'
      • cops same view on delinquents
        • m-class - let go
      • EVAL
        • reliable & relevant
        • only 1 specific study


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