Industrialisation and type of family

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  • Industrialisation and the family
    • Parsons
    • Pre   industrialisation
      • Classic extended family
        • fit the needs of society
          • unit of production
      • Evaluation
        • Engles
          • Sopport
            • nuclear family needed during industrialisation
              • allow inheritance
              • aloow male dominance
        • Peter laslet
          • Challenge
            • Never extended family
            • 10% in pre-in were beyond nuclear
        • Michael anderson
          • Challenges
            • extended family during indus
              • nedded during times of hardship and crisis
            • 1851 census found extended still popular
        • Extended still exsists today
          • Asain extended families
          • modified disperced family
            • Untitled
    • Industrialisation
      • Nuclear family
        • Functional fit
          • met the needs of society
        • Socially mobile
          • allow all members to reach full potential without conflict
            • need high ability workers to gain promotion
        • georgraphicaly mobile
          • streamlined family makes it easier for those to move away
            • Untitled


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