Family Perspectives

  • Created by: xkakrax
  • Created on: 05-07-18 09:42
Parsons: 2 Irreducible Functions Primary Socialisation of children Stabilisation of Adult Personalities Functional Fit Theory: During the two types of societies (Pre Industrial & Industrial) The family structure changes to fit society's needs
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Evaluation of Functionalist
Evaluation: Outdated because it assumes the nuclear family is still the norm, ignoring family diversity Feminist argue it ignores of the family
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Maintaining the Capitalist System Engles: By reproducing the next generation and passing on the wealth of the bourgeoisie maintains class differences.
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Evaluation of Marxist
Evaluation: Assumes the nuclear family is the norm Ignores the benefits the family brings (Functionalism) Ignores patriarchy and that the family oppresses women not only the working class.
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Post Modernist
The Rapoports: Five Types of Family Diversity Organisational Diversity Class DIversity Cultural DIversity Generational Diversity Life Stage DIversity
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Evaluation of Post Modernist
Evaluation: New Right criticize that family diversity is exaggerated. New Right and Functionalist argue it isn’t a bad thing the nuclear family can perform the needs of society effectively
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New Right
Murray: Claims act as 'perverse incentives' rewarding irresponsible behaviour such as having children with no way to pay for things they will need. Lone-parent families have risen because of this, resulting in more boys growing up without a male a
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Evaluation of New Right
Evaluation: Feminists criticise it is an attempt to justify a return to traditional nuclear family that oppresses women and confines them to a domestic role. Wrongly assumes the patriarchal nuclear family is 'natural'. Also, cutting benefits would s
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Radical Feminism: Oakley: Industrialisation brought on the creation of the housewife. Pre Industrial times everyone supported each other, but post industrialisation saw women staying at home and performing domestic duties.
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Marxist Feminist
Benston: Women reproduce the next workforce and their unpaid domestic labour and sexual services help maintain the emotion and physical fitness of the male workers
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Liberal Feminist
Bott: Family diversity in terms of conjugal roles, where there are two types of roles the husband and wife might have in the family: Joint Conjugal Roles / Segregated Conjugal Roles
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Card 2


Evaluation: Outdated because it assumes the nuclear family is still the norm, ignoring family diversity Feminist argue it ignores of the family


Evaluation of Functionalist

Card 3


Maintaining the Capitalist System Engles: By reproducing the next generation and passing on the wealth of the bourgeoisie maintains class differences.


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Card 4


Evaluation: Assumes the nuclear family is the norm Ignores the benefits the family brings (Functionalism) Ignores patriarchy and that the family oppresses women not only the working class.


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Card 5


The Rapoports: Five Types of Family Diversity Organisational Diversity Class DIversity Cultural DIversity Generational Diversity Life Stage DIversity


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