B3 - Humans and the Environment

  • Created by: carat17
  • Created on: 29-01-17 16:39
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  • Human population growth
    • Increased reliance and need of non-renewable energy which drains natural resources 
      • More greenhouse gases released into the atmosphere
        • global climatic change due to the increase of the Earth’s overall atmospheric temperature
          • Changes in climate = more natural disasters
          • Rising sea levels = flooding
          • Changes in migration patterns and distribution of animals
          • Affects the carbon cycle and eco-system = reduction in biodiversity
            • Can kill leaves, destroy roots and acidify open water sources which if too high can kill organisms living in it
    • More animal habitats are being destroyed to make more land for building, quarrying, farming and dumping waste
      • less trees = less  photosynthesis which helps to remove carbon dioxide from atmosphere
        • global climatic change due to the increase of the Earth’s overall atmospheric temperature
          • Changes in climate = more natural disasters
          • Rising sea levels = flooding
          • Changes in migration patterns and distribution of animals
          • Affects the carbon cycle and eco-system = reduction in biodiversity
            • Can kill leaves, destroy roots and acidify open water sources which if too high can kill organisms living in it
      • This leads to the destruction of plant and animals – extinction
        • reduced the rate at which carbon dioxide is removed from the atmosphere and ‘locked up’ for many years as wood
      • Increased amount of waste such as industrial waste 
        • Water pollution: sewage, fertilisers and toxic chemicals (industries/factories)
        • Air pollution: smoke and gas containing sulphur dioxide 
          • ACID RAIN: Dissolves in rain water and reacts with oxygen to produce dilute sulphuric and nitric acid
            • Particulates which reflect light  = Global Dimming
              • Leads to cooling of the temperature of the Earth's surface
          • Land pollution: with toxic chemicals such as pesticides and herbicides
            • May be washed from the land into waterways
              • Water pollution: sewage, fertilisers and toxic chemicals (industries/factories)
            • EUTROPHICATION:  Nitrates and other minerals from untreated sewage or fertilisers leads to rapid growth in vegetation in water (more competition for light)
              • Lots of plants die = increase in microorganisms feeding  = fall in oxygen levels dissolved in water
                • Leads to insufficient oxygen for plants and fish in water which die and are decomposed by more microorganisms
                  • Eventually oxygen levels are so low that all aquatic animals dies
        • Destruction of peat bogs and other areas of peat releases carbon dioxide 
          • More greenhouse gases released into the atmosphere
          • Increased demand for food = farmers using for fertilisers and pesticides


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